Monday, November 28, 2011

#1 女:謝謝你喜歡我。

#2 原本我以為我是個超有自信的人,在喜歡的女孩面前,我只是一個膽小鬼。

#3 我很喜歡妳,非常喜歡妳,總有一天我一定會追到妳。

#4 成長,最殘酷的部份就是,女孩子永遠比同年齡的男孩子成熟。

#5 人生本來就有很多事是徒勞無功的啊。

#6 被你喜歡過,就感覺別人沒那麼喜歡了。

#7 女孩的成熟,沒有一個男孩招架得住

#8 戀愛最美好的,就是曖昧的時候。

#9 或許,在另一個平行時空裡,我們是在一起的。

#10 我瞧不起的不是成績不好的人,我瞧不起的是明明自己不用功念書,卻只會瞧不起用功念書的人。

#11 我敢跟妳賭,十年後,我連log是什麼都不知道,照樣活得很好。

#12 這種尖酸的題目就算解得出來,對人生還是一點意義都沒有啦。

#13 如果你真的很喜歡一個女孩的話,當新郎不是妳的話,那麼你永遠無法祝福她。結果:不,當你真的很喜歡一個女孩的話,那麼無論新郎是誰,你都會真心祝福她。

#14 每一個男生都想在自己心上人面前,展現自己最強的一面。但是這個方式,並不管用。

#15 不像考卷,所有複雜困難的問題,都能得到一個解答。真實人生裡,有些事永遠也沒有答案。

#16 我想成為一個很厲害的人,讓這個世界因為有了我而有一點點的改變而我的世界,不過就是妳的心。

#17 下一次浪來,會帶走女孩留在沙灘上的美好足跡,但我們還在。刻在我們心中女孩的模樣,也會還在。

You Are The Apple Of My Eye ♥

Friday, November 11, 2011


Easily distracted ... I was reading in enthu when all of a sudden , I recalled what was called "the truth" i am unable to shake it off my mind & it literally drained my enthusiasm right down to almost zero. What the hell is going on... You know I always convey to people that for whatever It is , it is All in the brain / mind .. We are in so in depth control of it but why am I not able to convince myself ? This must be the greatest joke of all .. Sigh , why do I have so less tolerance when it all comes to the mind, why ? Why can't I control what I wanna think what I don't ? Isn't it really so Freakg hard to just ask myself not to think.. Live today as it is and right , just live and stop creating images .. Haix ..

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Heart Matters

I can't control emotions when it all comes to the heart . Though known that it's main function is to "pump the blood" but many times i realized, that is not solely the case. I don't know why can I get so worked up worried bout people in my life . Is a feeling you can't control you wish it could ease sometime but it just can't . . I didn't wanna react too much felt a little overboard that's because it hurt me too .. Itd made my life busy worrying imagining , getting frightened , afraid . I got so carried away some time that I forgot how should I go about living my life

Monday, November 07, 2011

I have been questioning myself of my life lately. How have I really been living it or rather, am I even living up to it. I remember myself as someone who is (was) lively. Can't deny that I miss that self pretty much on a constant basis. I always love life. Even how nasty a day could be I'll deal with it... Not untill these happened. I lost touched of life. I lived in a fearful day to day beat. I am very afraid. Afraid to lose it, afraid to face it & very afraid to deal with it. Till then we have come in terms with it and is now dealing it. Nevertheless the process of dealing it require so much courage. I'm seen frequently at home that's because I do not want to leave home too far. Afraid that if I do things will not fall in place too neat. I lived my day being worried scared followed by frightening nightmares. So Much of wanting a companion to take away my pain, even if it's for awhile I welcome it, however, I am lazy to reach. Lazy to reach for help. I can't find the best candidate or maybe I am not willing to stay open to my problems. Maybe I chose to bury myself with all the anixety. Notwithstanding it, I want to smile and live so freaking bad.